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Шаблон:Infobox waterlock

Мавод аз Википедиа — донишномаи озод


Copy and paste the template below:

{{Infobox waterlock
| name        =
| image       =
| caption     =
| waterway    =
| country     =
| state       =
| county      =
| maint       =
| operation   =
| first       =
| latest      =
| length      =
| width       =
| fall        =
| sealevel    =
| enda        =
| distenda    =
| endb        =
| distendb    =
| heritage    =
| map_image   =
| map_text    =
| lat         =
| long        =
| coordinates = 
| extra       =

Parameter descriptions

  • name= Name of lock
  • image= Filename of image
  • alt = alternative text for the image
  • image_size= override default 250px (avoid using)
  • caption= Text for caption beneath image
  • waterway = Waterway on which the lock is situated
  • country = Country
  • state = State or province
  • county = Location of lock
  • maint= Maintaining Entity
  • operation = Type of operation - e.g manual or hydraulic
  • first = Date when lock was originally built
  • latest = Date of latest reconstruction of lock
  • length= Length of lock with units
  • width= Width of the lock with units
  • fall= Depth of fall of water in the lock with units
  • sealevel = Height of top water level above sea level
  • enda = One relevant end point of waterway
  • distenda = distance to above
  • endb = the other relevant end point of waterway
  • distendb = distance to above
  • map_image= Filename of map image
  • map_text= Caption beneath map image
  • map_width= Map width in a standard value (pixels, for example)
  • map_alt = alternative text for the map image
  • coordinates= Latitude and longitude using {{coord}} with display=inline,title.
  • lat= Latitude, long= Longitude
(use either coordinates= or lat= long=), not both
  • heritage = Heritage status
  • extras= free form, spans both columns, use sparingly