Шаблон:Election box ranked choice first round ballots/doc

Мавод аз Википедиа — донишномаи озод

This template creates a summary of table for the first round of a ranked choice voting contest. It summarizes the status of ballots other than which ballots counted for which candidates. It lists counts for the number of continuing ballots, over votes, under votes, total contest ballots, and registered voters. The template also calculates relevant percentages associated with those counts.

Usage[вироиши манбаъ]

The following table describes the parameters to use with this template.

Parameter Name Required? Default Value Description
contvotes required undefined The number of votes that counted for some candidate in the first round.

Example: contvotes=247831

overvotes required undefined The number of ballots for which the most-preferred marked choice is marked for more than one candidate.

Example: overvotes=1217

undervotes required undefined The number of ballots that did not mark any choices for a candidate.

Example: undervotes=4829

contestballots required undefined The number of ballots cast for the contest.

Example: contestballots=253877

registeredvoters required undefined The number of voters registered to vote in the contest.

Example: registeredvoters=492682

Examples[вироиши манбаъ]

{{Template:Election box ranked choice first round ballots
| title = San Francisco mayoral election, 2011<ref>http://www.sfelections.org/results/20111108/</ref>
| contvotes = 194418 | overvotes = 820 | undervotes = 2004 | contestballots = 197242 | registeredvoters = 464380

San Francisco mayoral election, 2011[1]
First Round Ballot Summary
Share of
Continuing Votes 194 418 98.57%
Over Votes 820 0.42%
Under Votes 2 004 1.02%
Contest Ballots 197 242 100.00%
Registered Voters 464 380
Contest Turnout 42.47%

See also[вироиши манбаъ]