Шаблон:Infobox Oxford College Boat Club/doc

Мавод аз Википедиа — донишномаи озод

Usage[вироиши манбаъ]

Empty syntax[вироиши манбаъ]

The empty syntax below includes all parameters, though some are optional – see the table below.

<!-- Infobox begins -->
{{Infobox Oxford College Boat Club 
| primary_colour    =
| name              =
| picture           = <!-- Boathouse image -->
| blade             = <!-- Blade colours if available, if there are multiple use the most common -->
| caption           =
| colours           = <!-- primary colour associated with the club -->
| name_Latin        =
| motto             =
| old_names         =
| men's_headship    = <!-- Years of Headship, separate Eights and Torpids into separate lists -->
| women's_headship  =
| established       = <!-- use {{Start date|YYYY}} microformat -->
| location          = <!-- location of boathouse - use coordinates if known {{coord|52|12|41.7|N|0|7|48|E|type:landmark_region:GB|display=inline,title}} -->
| sister_college    = <!-- See [[List_of_Oxbridge_sister_colleges]] -->
| head_name         =
| head              =
| men's_captain     =
| women's_captain   =
| captain_of_coxes  =
| members           =
| homepage          = <!-- use {{URL|www.example.com}} format -->
| shield            =
}} <!-- Infobox ends -->

Table[вироиши манбаъ]

Top of infobox[вироиши манбаъ]

Field Name Usage Description
primary_colour optional Colour to use for the infobox's header and borders. May be a name e.g. "black" or a code e.g. "#000000", but should be dark (since white text will be used). If parameter is omitted, dark blue will be used by default.
name required The boat club's usual name, in English. e.g. "Hertford College Boat Club".
picture optional A representative image. Can include size and mouseover text e.g. (for Hertford College Boat Club)
| picture = [[Image:HCBC boathouse.gif|220px|View of the Boathouse]]
caption optional A caption for the image, if needed
colours required A section through the college/boat club scarf/flag, e.g. (for Hertford College Boat Club):
| colours = {{cell2|#C80815}}{{cell|#FFF}}{{cells|5|#C80815}}{{cell|#FFF}}{{cell2|#C80815}}

Main info[вироиши манбаъ]

Field Name Usage Description
name_Latin optional Name of boat club in Latin.
motto optional Boat club motto, with a translation if possible.
old_names optional If the boat club was formerly known by different names, list them here.
men's_headship optional List the dates when the boat club has been Head of the River (men) in Eights Week.
women's_headship optional List the dates when the boat club has Head of the River (women) in Eights Week.
established required When was the boat club founded?
sister_college optional Does the boat club have a sister college at "the other place" (Cambridge)?
head_name required What title is given to the Head of the boat club (e.g. President)?
head required Name of Head of the boat club.
men's_captain optional Name of men's captain.
women's_captain optional Name of women's captain.
captain_of_coxes optional Name of captain of coxes.
members optional Number of members.
location optional Linked to an external map, Google maps for example.

External links[вироиши манбаъ]

Field Name Usage Description
homepage required Link to boat club website.

Optional extras[вироиши манбаъ]

Field Name Usage Description
shield optional The boat club logo, e.g.
| shield = [[Image:HCBC_Crest.svg]]