Корбар:Frank Schulenburg

Frank Schulenburg is a longtime Wikipedian who currently serves as the Wiki Education Foundation’s Executive Director.
Since the very beginning of my involvement with Wikimedia, I’ve been passionate about programmatic work. I truly believe that programs play a key role in improving Wikipedia’s quality, getting more people to edit Wikipedia and in providing access to Wikipedia’s content to people around the globe.
I am the Wiki Education Foundation’s Executive Director, but this is my personal account. Edits, statements, or other contributions made from this account are my own, and may not reflect the views of the Wiki Education Foundation. In my professional capacity I use the account Frank Schulenburg (Wiki Education).
Presentations and media coverage

- 2006
- mediaconomy – Forschungsverbund Internetökonomie Göttingen: Die freie Internet-Enzyklopädie Wikipedia: Konzept, bisherige Entwicklung und Methoden des Qualitätsmanagements (Göttingen, February 2006)
- Keynote at the first Wikipedia Academy (Göttingen, June 2006), video on archive.org
- TV interview 3sat Neues (Göttingen, June 2006), videostream
- Otto-Beisheim-School of Management: IdeaLab!: “Web 2.0” (Vallendar, October 2006)
- TV interview ZDF sonntags − tv fürs Leben (Mainz, October 2006), info and link to videostream
- Panel discussion at the Fachverlagskonferenz 2006 der Akademie des Deutschen Buchhandels (Munich, November 2006)
- 2007
- TV interview ZDF-Morgenmagazin: Wikipedia - kollektives Wissen digital (Frankfurt, July 2007)
- CidS! Computer in die Schulen: “Die freie Internetenzyklopädie Wikipedia und ihre Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Schulunterricht und in der Unterrichtsvorbereitung” (Berlin, July 2007)
- Radio interview SWR2 Impuls, Doris Maull: Plattform für Lügenbarone oder ernst zu nehmende Enzyklopädie (Göttingen, August 2007)
- TV interview ARD Tagesschau: Wikipedianer und Geisteswissenschaftler beraten über Qualitätsverbesserung (Mainz, August 2007)
- TV interview ARD Nachtmagazin: Das Internet-Lexikon und die Wissenschaft (Mainz, August 2007)
- Andrea Löbbecke, dpa, via n-tv: Hobbyexperten am Werk: Wissenschaftler gefragt (Mainz, August 2007)
- 20. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Wirtschaftsinformatik: Einführung in die Ziele und Funktionsweisen der freien Internetenzyklopädie Wikipedia (Fulda, September 2007)
- Jahrestagung des Kooperationsverbundes „Hochschulen für Gesundheit“: Wie offene Zusammenarbeit im Internet gelingen kann. Erfahrungen mit Wikipedia, Wikiversity sowie anderen Formen kollaborativer Kommunikation im Netz (Magdeburg, December 2007)
- 2008
- Live radio interview Belgischer Rundfunk (BRF), Frank Vandenrath (January 2008)
- TV interview 3sat Neues (Berlin, June 2008): Die Wikipedia Academy, videostream
- (with Klaus Wannemacher) Annual Conference of the Society for Media in Science 2008: Wikipedia in der Lehre – Wissen teilen (zu) leicht gemacht?, (Krems an der Donau, Österreich, September 2008)
- University of Cologne: Wikipedia – Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen der freien Enzyklopädie (November 2008)
- 2009
- University of Berkeley, California: Wikipedia – a look behind the scenes (classroom presentation with Mike Godwin, April 2009)
- N2Y4 NetSquared Conference, San Jose, California: Scaling up volunteer communities: Wikimedia's story and strategy (with Erik Möller, May 2009)
- Interview with Wired magazine, Alexis Madrigal: Wikipedia Teaches NIH Scientists Wiki Culture (July 2009)
- Radio interview Federal News Radio NIH and Wikimedia Foundation team up (July 2009), download as mp3
- Wikimania 2009: NIH Academy 2009 – lessons learnt and what we left behind (with Jay Walsh, Buenos Aires, August 2009)
- Wikimania 2009: Best practice documentation: preventing to reinvent the wheel in public outreach (Buenos Aires, August 2009)
- Wikipedia Academy, Bergen, Norway: Ways to increase participation on Wikipedia (October 2009)
- 2010
- Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government: Wikipedia – the encyclopedia that works only in practice, not in theory (with Pete Forsyth, February 2010)
- Wikimania 2010: Using Wikipedia as a Teaching Tool – the Wikipedia Public Policy Initiative and the path to an effective and sustainable collaborative environment with the world of higher education (with Rod Dunican and Pete Forsyth, July 2010)
- Inside Higher Ed, Steve Kolowich: Wikipedia for credit (September 2010)

- 2011
- Keynote speach at Wikipedia's 10th anniversary celebration conference in Budapest, Hungary: Wikipedia now and then: the virtuous cycle of participation, quality and reach (January 15, 2011), on YouTube: part 1, 2 and 3
- Keynote speach at the Career & Research Day of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF): Wikipedia and Academia, friends at last? Using Wikipedia as a teaching tool in higher education (February 24, 2011)
- Washington Post, Jenna Johnson: Wikipedia goes to class (May 2011)
- The Hindu, Amruta Byatnal: Wikimedia Foundation launches Campus Ambassadors Program in Pune (June 6, 2011)
- Keynote speach at the conference Wikipedia trifft Altertum (Wikipedia meets Antiquity) at the Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Germany: Wikipedia im universitären Unterricht: ein neues Modell für die Lehre (Wikipedia in university classes: a new teaching model in higher education) (June 10, 2010)
- The Hindu, Amruta Byatnal: Wikipedia to be promoted in educational institutions (June 11, 2011)
- Hamburger Abendblatt, Janina Darm: Wissenschaftler machen Wikipedia (June 14, 2011)
- Wikipedia in Higher Education Summit, Boston: Shaping the Global Future (with Barry Newstead, July 9, 2011)
- Wikimania 2011: Taking Wikipedia in higher education to the next level, Haifa, Israel (August 5, 2011)
- Mathias Hamann, Die Presse: "Wikimania": Die Konferenz der Weltverbesserer (August 6, 2011)
- Mathias Hamann, Spiegel online: Treffen in Israel: Studenten sollen die Wikipedia füllen (August 8, 2011)
- Eleanor Yang Su, California Watch: Once-scorned Wikipedia now embraced in school (August 9, 2011)
- Workshop at Mobility Shifts Conference, New York. After the workshop, Joseph Eulo, a filmmaker studying at the New School, recorded a video interview with me. (October 10 & 11, 2011)
- 2012
- Saabira Chaudhuri, The Guardian: Wikipedia looks to expand Arabic content via educational initiative (February 15, 2012)
- Cairo Pilot: overview and results, Wikipedia Education Program Cairo Celebration Conference, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (July 4, 2012)
- Education and Cultures: Balancing Global and Local?, panel discussion at the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), Doha, Qatar (November 13, 2012)
- iBioMagazine: Frank Schulenburg: Science in Wikipedia, San Francisco (December 17, 2012)
- 2014

- Press release, Wikimedia Foundation / Wiki Education Foundation: Frank Schulenburg named executive director of the new WEF (February 12, 2014)
- Torsten Kleinz, Heise Online: Wikimedia Foundation gründet Bildungsableger (February 13, 2014)
- Hans-Joachim Baader, Pro-Linux: Wikimedia gründet Wiki Education Foundation (February 14, 2014)
- Kristen V. Brown, San Francisco Chronicle: UC Berkeley grad to expand Wikipedia’s scholarly offerings (March 14, 2014)
- Katy Murphy, San Jose Mercury News: UC Berkeley hires first Wikipedian-in-residence (March 18, 2014)
- Press release, Wiki Education Foundation: Wiki Education Foundation receives grant to support programmatic activities (April 14, 2014)
- Speaker at the World Literacy Summit 2014, Oxford, UK: Wikipedia Zero and the Wikipedia Education Program (April 14, 2014)
- Regina Ortanez, The Inquirer: DVC instructors learn benefits of using Wikipedia in the classroom (May 9, 2014)
- Wiki Conference USA, Ask the Wiki Education Foundation, presentation with LiAnna Davis and Jami Mathewson (May 30, 2014)
- Wiki Conference USA, Wikipedia in the Era of the MOOC, panel discussion with Jon Beasley-Murray and George Haines (May 30, 2014)
- Andrew Lih, Wikipedia Weekly: Interview with Frank Schulenburg, executive director of the Wiki Education Foundation, Wiki Conference USA (May 31, 2014)
- Emily Walthouse, Borgen Magazine: Wikipedia Zero: Education is a Text Away (June 9, 2014)
- Speaker at the conference “Digital Transformation – Impacts on Research, Science, and Teaching”, San Francisco: Wiki Education – a Changing Paradigm in Education (September 12, 2014)
- 2015

- Zero to One. How we launched a new organization that’s focused on Wikipedia’s quality, guest speaker at the Wikimedia Foundation’s January Metrics and Activities Meeting (January 15, 2015)
- Panel discussion at West Virginia University: Where Are all the Women? Wikipedia’s Gender Gap (March 4, 2015)
- 2016
- Using Wikipedia as a Teaching Tool, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, University of Mississippi (with Jami Mathewson, September 26, 2016)
- I'm a Wikipedian, ask me anything, Library of the University of Mississippi (September 27, 2016)
- 2017
- Wikipedia Schreibwettbewerb: Stachelschweine, ein Onkel im Morgenrock und ein Ex-Präsident (November 5, 2017)

- 2018
- Holly Else, Times of Higher Education: Students defend the future of facts on Wikipedia (January 15, 2018)
- Mark Schreiner, WLRN Public Radio and Television: USF Class Uses Jane Austen To Teach Lessons About Wikipedia (February 6, 2018)
- Pedagogical benefits and challenges of assigning psychology students to contribute to Wikipedia as part of the symposium Opening Up Psychology to Give It Away: Open Platforms to Bring Psychology to all People (with Eric Arden Youngstrom, Yen Ling Chen, and Mian-Li Ong) at the 126th Annual APA Convention, San Francisco (August 10, 2018)
- How teaching with Wikipedia changes the lives of students by helping students change the world as part of the session Future Education and Edutech (with Pasi Sahlberg and Jasen Wang) at the Global HR Forum, Seoul, South Korea (November 6, 2018)
- How teaching with Wikipedia changes the lives of students by helping students change the world, International Forum for Educational Innovation at KAIST Daejeon (November 8, 2018)
- Kim Eun Young, The Science Times: “숙제로 위키피디아 글쓰기, 어때요?” 슐런버그 이사장이 제안하는 위키피디아 활용법 (November 22, 2018)
- 2019
- How to measure a giant squid and other thoughts about Wikipedia’s quality, keynote of the quality track of Wikimania 2019 in Stockholm, Sweden (August 18, 2019) – slides / video
- 2021

- Wikipedia @20: Reflections on Past, Present and Future, Panel discussion organized by the Harrington School of Communication and Media, University of Rhode Island (March 29, 2021)
- How to improve the quality of knowledge on Wikipedia, Rotary Club of San Francisco (May 18, 2021)
- Recipient of the “Excellence in Eduation Award” at the Global Forum of Education and Learning (GFEL) in Las Vegas, see also the interview on YouTube (June 25, 2021)
- How Wiki Education Foundation promotes knowledge equity, Wikimania 2021 (virtual), with LiAnna Davis, Ian Ramjohn, Jami Mathewson, and Will Kent (August 15, 2021)
- Wikipedia’s content quality: ways of ensuring that information is accurate and trustworthy, Rotary Club of San Francisco Castro (August 24, 2021)
- Fireside Chat with Bennie F. Johnson and Frank Schulenburg, opening session of the American Institute of Graphic Arts’ annual conference 2021, see also the press release: AIGA Announces Innovative Initiative with Wiki Education to Expand and Build More Comprehensive Design Histories for Public on Wikipedia (September 20, 2021)
- 2022
- Creating the equitable encyclopedia, The Telegraph (May 16, 2022)
- Wikipedia und Wissenschaft, presentation at the historic Paulinerkirche, Göttingen State and University Library, Germany (September 15, 2022)
- 2023
- How Wikipedia fosters information literacy in the higher education classroom, Keynote at the World Literacy Summit in Oxford, UK (April 3, 2023)
- The future of Wikimedia & Education, panel discussion at the EduWiki Conference 2023 in Belgrade, Serbia, with Brahim Faraji, Bukola James, Rahmi, João Alexandre Peschanski, and Yop Rwang Pam (moderator) (May 27, 2023)
- The Future of Wiki in Education. What we’ve learned from the Research and the EduWiki Conference 2023, session at Wikimania 2023 in Singapore with Filip Maljković and Susanna Mkrtchyan (August 19, 2023)
- 2024
- Felix Greven, Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre: Hochschullehre in der Enzyklopädie (March 12, 2024)
- WikiPortraits: Transforming the Wikipedia photo desert into a green oasis, panel discussion with Kevin Payravi, Jennifer Lee, Andrew Lih, and Harald Krichel at Wikimania 2024 in Katowice, Poland (August 9, 2024)
- Impact Visualizer: a new tool to explore how a collection of articles develops over time, presentation with Sage Ross at Wikimania 2024 in Katowice, Poland (August 10, 2024)
- Expert hearing of the German Rectors’ Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz): expert statement on Web 2.0 – Challenges and opportunities for the universities (July 2009)
Publications related to Wikimedia projects
- Frank Schulenburg, Achim Raschka, Michail Jungierek: Der „McDonald’s der Informationen“? Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen des kollaborativen Wissensmanagements in der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia, in: Bibliothek, Forschung und Praxis 31,2 (2007), ISSN 0341-4183, p. 225–230 (engl. The “McDonald’s of information”? A view behind the scenery of the collaborative knowledge management of the German language Wikipedia) — Published under CC-by-SA, Download (PDF, 562 KB) via Wikimedia Commons.
- Frank Schulenburg: Zu den Zielen und grundlegenden Funktionsweisen der freien Internetenzyklopädie Wikipedia und den Besonderheiten der deutschsprachigen Ausgabe, in: Gerhard Fuchs, Christian Müller, Harald Ritz und Uwe Saint-Mont (Hrsg.), Herausforderungen an die Wirtschaftsinformatik: Wissensmanagement, E-Business und ereignisgesteuerte Geschäftsprozesse in Echtzeit, Tagungsband zur AKWI-Fachtagung am 14.09.2007 an der Hochschule Fulda, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-936527-10-0, p. 25–36.
- Frank Schulenburg, Klaus Wannemacher: Wikipedia in University Teaching – Objectives and Results of Collaborative Text Editing Assignments, in: Alan Tait, András Szücs (eds.), EDEN 2009 Annual Conference. Innovation in Learning Communities. What did you invent for tomorrow?, 10–13 June 2009, Gdańsk [Conference Proceedings, CD-ROM].
- Frank Schulenburg, Klaus Wannemacher: Wikipedia in Academic Studies – Corrupting or "Dramatically Improving" the Quality of Teaching and Learning?, in: Peter Ebner / Mandy Schiefner (eds.), Looking Toward the Future of Technology Enhanced Education: Ubiquitous Learning and the Digital Native, Hershey, PA, 2009, ISBN 978-1-61520-678-0, p. 295–310.
- Frank Schulenburg: Gezieltes Verbessern von Themenbereichen in der Wikipedia. Fünf Jahre Wikipedia Education Program – eine Bestandsaufnahme, in: Thomas Wozniak, Jürgen Nemitz und Uwe Rohwedder (Hrsg.), Wikipedia und Geschichtswissenschaft, Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-11-037634-0, S. 93–102.