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Баҳси Википедиа:WikiProject Geographical coordinates/to do

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Мавод аз Википедиа — донишномаи озод

Find coordinates for

[вироиши манбаъ]

Use Maybe-Checker: verify and/or add coordinates to articles in categories likely to need coordinates.

Articles are also listed on WolterBot's cleanup listings (User:WolterBot/Cleanup statistics)

See also: Wikipedia:Obtaining geographic coordinates

Tag articles needing coordinates

[вироиши манбаъ]

{{coord missing|country name}} is added to articles needing coordinates. This makes them available for the previous step.

As of Декабр 28, 2024 03:28 (UTC) Refresh
User reported errors:

Гурӯҳи Articles requiring geodata verification ёфт нашуд
0 pages
Гурӯҳи Pages requiring geodata verification ёфт нашуд
0 pages
Гурӯҳи Talk pages requiring geodata verification ёфт нашуд
0 pages

Formatting errors:

Гурӯҳи Coordinates templates needing maintenance ёфт нашуд
0 pages
Гурӯҳи Coord template needing repair ёфт нашуд
0 pages
  • Provide advice on the use of {{Attached KML}} on the WP:GEO page.
  • Make better examples, also showing use of decimals and scale.
  • Create an export to OpenStreetmap of all points in the database
  • Add an attribute for other planets and the moon and probably also star maps.
  • Extend NASA World Wind support to include layers (by type) and labels.
  • Rewrite the article Geographic coordinate system linked from many coordinates. Related articles: latitude, longitude.
  • Convert existing data to templates
    • Identify special formats not yet converted, e.g. E12 23 54 N23 34 52
  • Clean up / reduce redundancy in U.S. city articles (rambot/smackbot generated), see past discussion
  • Suggestions for extensions at mw:Summer of Code 2009#MediaWiki core and new extensions
  • Discuss, summarise and specify a set of changes to geohack, such as type list revision, support for linear features, bug fixes, &c