Корбар:Francis Tyers/Tajik examples
[вироиш | вироиши манбаъ]Types
[вироиш | вироиши манбаъ]- verb
- regular / irregular
- noun
- adjective
- adverb
- preposition
- pronoun
[вироиш | вироиши манбаъ]- izofa
- number [sg, pl]
- comparison [comparative, superlative]
- infinitive
- indefinite
The Tajik vowels /i/ and /e/ are reversed in Standard Persian. ==Some morphology== китоб kitob book китобҳо kitobho books китоби kitobi bookish [literary] китобе kitobe a book китобҳое kitobhoe [some] books китобро kitobro the book китобҳоро kitobhoro the books китобҳоеро kitobhoero some books китобу kitobu book [and ...] китобам kitobam my book китобамон kitobamon our book китобат kitobat your book китобатон kitobaton your [pl.] book китобаш kitobash his book китобашон kitobashon their book китобҳоям kitobhoyam my books китобҳоямон kitobhoyamon our books китобҳоят kitobhoyat your books китобҳоятон kitobhoyaton your [pl.] books китобҳояш kitobhoyash his books китобҳояшон kitobhoyashon their books китобамро kitobamro my [def] book китобҳоямро kitobyamro my [def] books китобамонро kitobamonro our [def] book китобҳоямонро kitobhoyamonro our [def] books китобатро kitobatro your [def] book китобҳоятро kitobhoyatro your [def] books китобатонро kitobatonro your [pl.] [def] book китобҳоятонро kitobhoyatonro your [pl.] [def] books китобашро kitobashro his [def] book китобҳояшро kitobhoyashro his [def] books китобашонро kitobashonro their [def] book китобҳояшонро kitobhoyashonro their [def] books --- боғ bogh orchard боғот boghot orchards --- атом atom atom атомҳо atomho atoms атоми atomi atomic атоме atome an atom атомҳое atomhoe [some] atoms атомро atomro the atom атомҳоро atomhoro the atoms атомҳоеро atomhoero some atoms атомаш atomash his atom атоми вай atomi vay his atom --- бача bacha child бачагон bachagon children бачагӣ bachagi childhood бачагона bachagona childish [children's] --- хабар khabar news [sg.] (e.g. news item) ахбор akhbor news [pl.] --- коргаранд korgarand they are workers (lit. korgar [workers] and [they are]) коргару korgaru ? -у is used when you join another thing додару хоҳар - brother and sister. Коргару муаллим - ٌa worker and a teacher. У - and used sometimes in oral speech not so often сафед safed white сафедтар safedtar whiter сафедтарин safedtarin whitest Нағз naghz good Нағзтар naghztar better Нағзтарин naghzarin best китоби вай kitobi vay his book "Notable exceptions where Cyrillic writes compounds as separate words and Perso-Arabic usually combines them, are: ин ҷо ('here' -- 'this place'), он ҷо ('there', 'that place'), and in the use of the preposition ba 'to, at'. In Cyrillic this is always written separately; in Perso-Arabic it may always be separately (with vocalic 'h'), but is usually joined to shotrer and more common nominals (e.g., pronouns or parts of a PP): ба он ҷо ('[to] there')." (Perry, 2005) ==Some vocabulary== Дӯстии халқҳо - Friendship of peoples ==Notes== ==Samples== Anvar kitobashro ba Fransis dod Anvar gave his book to Francis
Як [1], Ду [2], Се [3], Чаhор [4] or Чор , Панҷ [5], Шаш [6], ҳафт [7] etc Man meravam, Tu meravi, Vay meravad, Onho meravand I go you go he goes etc Man talaba hastam. Tu talaba hasti? Vay talaba hast. Mo talaba hastem. Onho talaba hastand. Shumo Talaba hasted I am a pupil talaba - pupil Man kitob doram. Tu kitob dori. Vay kitob dorad, Mo kitob dorem, Onho kitob dorand, Shumo kitob dored. so "is" would be "hast" "man kitob doram" = "i have book" doshtan - have raftan - go, doshtan - have, omadan - come, khurdan - eat, davidan - run, zadan - beat bozi kardan - to play kardan - do olim it is also a name Olim is my friend Olim dusti man meboshad ------- (09:37:16) jahongard: for the present time, we use me at the begining (09:37:19) jahongard: meravam (09:37:30) jahongard: actually there are two forms (09:37:53) jahongard: meravam & biravam (09:38:09) jahongard: man meravam is like "I go" (09:38:32) jahongard: "agar man biravam" is like "If I go" so go - raftan man ravam tu ravi vay rav Man raftam - i went - ам Tu rafti - и Vay raft Mo raftem - ем Shumo rafted - ед Onho raftand - анд zadan ( zadi, zadand, zad, zaden man meravam - tu meravi - u (vay) meravad - mo meravem - shumo meraved - eshon (onho) meravand spectei: so would you say that if a word is found in several forms spectei: e.g. -and, -am -ed spectei: it is a verb ? jahongard: yes x+"анд" & x+"ам" & x+"ед" jahongard: istod is verb means stand up [past root] ist [present root] jahongard: kard is verb means "do" [past root] jahongard: kash is a verb means "pull" [present root] jahongard: daryoft is a verb [past root] jahongard: past roots of regular verbs end with id # Доштан: To have # Дорам: I have # Дори: You have # Дорад: He, she, it has # Дорем: We have # Доред: You [plural and distant] have. # Доранд: They have # Ман вақт дорам: I have time # Ӯ билет дорад: He has a ticket # Ман вақт надорам: I don’t have time. # Ӯ билет надорад: He doesn’t have a ticket. # Доштам: I had # Дошти: You had # Дошт: He, she had # Доштем: We had # Доштед: You [plural and distant] had. # Доштанд: They had # Ӯ дӯст дошт: He had a friend # Ман таб доштам: I had fever # Ӯ дӯст надошт: He had no friend # Ман таб надоштам: I didn’t have a fever .
- Oyo Shumo ba zaboni anglisi gap mezaned? in Tajik
- Shuma be zaboni inglisi harf meezaneed? Persian
[вироиш | вироиши манбаъ]китоб китобҳо китоби китобе китобҳое китобро китобҳоро китобҳоеро китобу китобам китобамон китобат китобатон китобаш китобашон китобҳоям китобҳоямон китобҳоят китобҳоятон китобҳояш китобҳояшон китобамро китобҳоямро китобамонро китобҳоямонро китобатро китобҳоятро китобатонро китобҳоятонро китобашро китобҳояшро китобашонро китобҳояшонро китоби сафед сафедтар сафедтарин