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Шаблон:Infobox nuclear weapons test

Мавод аз Википедиа — донишномаи озод

This template is intended for use on articles about nuclear weapons tests or test series. Depending on the type (single test or test series), two different forms are used as illustrated below.

Example for a test series

{{Infobox nuclear weapons test
| name            = Operation Sandstone
| image           = AbombOperationSandstoneApril1948.png
| caption         = Sandstone X-Ray
| alt             = An atomic explosion lights up the night sky over a coral atoll
| country         = United States
| test_site       = [[Eniwetok]]
| period          = April-May 1948
| number_of_tests = 3
| test_type       = Atmospheric tests
| device_type     = Fission
| max_yield       = 49 kt
| summary         = [[List of nuclear weapons tests of the United States|United States Nuclear weapons tests]]
| previous_series = [[Operation Crossroads]]
| next_series     = [[Operation Ranger]]

Example for a single test

{{Infobox nuclear weapons test
| name          = X-Ray
| image         = 
| caption       = 
| country       = United States
| test_series   = [[Operation Sandstone]]
| test_site     = [[Eniwetok|Engebi Island]]
| date          = 14 April 1948 18:17 [[Greenwich Mean Time|GMT]]
| test_type     = Atmospheric test
| test_altitude = 3 meters
| device_type   = [[Thermonuclear weapon]]
| yield         = 49 kt
| target        = <target>
| summary       = [[List of nuclear weapons tests of the United States|United States Nuclear weapons tests]]
| previous_test =
| next_test     =