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Мавод аз Википедиа — донишномаи озод

Пешниҳод 2

[вироиши манбаъ]
  • (en).Open voting on the introduction of additional Sandbox button in the top menu.
  • (tg) Барои ворид кардани тугмаи иловагии Сиёҳнавис дар анвои боло, байни тугмаҳои Баҳс ва Тарҷиҳот, раъйдиҳӣ кушода мешавад. Аз ҷомеа хоҳиш карда мешавад, ки беэътиноӣ накарда ширкат варзанд.
  1. Мувофиқ AryanSogd (t) 13:54، 21 январи 2017 (UTC)
  2. Мувофиқ пурра розӣ ҳастам. RushD (talk) 14:05، 21 январи 2017 (UTC)
  3. Мувофиқ --Шухрат Саъдиев (talk) 14:11، 21 январи 2017 (UTC)
  4. Мувофиқ сад дар сад тарафдор. --Haskash (talk) 14:32، 21 январи 2017 (UTC)
  5. Мувофиқ. Ҷонибдорам. MutarjiM (talk) 16:06، 21 январи 2017 (UTC)
  6. Мувофиқ cад фоиз.--Komron (talk) 17:11، 21 январи 2017 (UTC)
  7. Мувофиқ Хело муҳим аст.--Мунирҷон (баҳс) 19:44، 21 январи 2017 (UTC)
  8. Мувофиқ Мо ҳамеша омодаи дастбардорӣ, кори хуб мешавад. Guruhband talk 20:09، 21 январи 2017 (UTC)
  9. Мувофиқ, куллан ҷонибдор ҳастам. Дӯстмурод Саид (talk) 02:51، 22 январи 2017 (UTC)
  10. Мувофиқ, -- Ҷалолиддин (talk) 06:53، 22 январи 2017 (UTC).
  11. Мувофиқ Чунин пешниҳодро бо ду даст дастгирӣ мекунам --Муроди Одина (talk) 17:13، 22 январи 2017 (UTC)
  12. Мувофиқ--Анвари Латиф (talk) 17:28، 22 январи 2017 (UTC)
  13. Мувофиқ Оромджон (talk) 17:37، 22 январи 2017 (UTC)
  14. Мувофиқ Комилан.--Асилзода баҳс 15:50، 25 январи 2017 (UTC)
  15. Мувофиқ Давно пора! Вон как в русском разделе удобно работать, гляньте.--Zarafshoni (talk) 07:13، 26 январи 2017 (UTC)
  16. Мувофиқ--Podabon (talk) 16:53، 26 январи 2017 (UTC)
  17. Мувофиқ Илтимос, ҳамин тугмаро зудтар илова кунед. Ман навкор ҳастам, азоб кашида истодаам.--Dariochek (talk) 07:47، 27 январи 2017 (UTC)
Дархостро супурдам. Ваъда доданд ки рӯзи душанбе таёр мешавад. Бо эҳтиром,--AryanSogd (t) 11:38، 27 январи 2017 (UTC)
P.S. Соати 14:00-15:00 UTC (вақти Гринвич). Бо эҳтиром,--AryanSogd (t) 11:59، 27 январи 2017 (UTC)

Language converter syntax change

[вироиши манбаъ]


I'm Trizek (WMF) a community liaison for the Wikimedia Foundation. Sorry for that announcement in English. Please help translate to your language!

LanguageConverter (LC), used to switch from one language to an other, has a problem: links using LanguageConverter do not show up properly on Special:LinkSearch.

These broken links can be fixed manually and the change is trivial:

Old syntax (examples for Chinese languages): http://-{zh-cn:foo.com; zh-hk:bar.com; zh-tw:baz.com}-

New syntax: -{zh-cn: http://foo.com ; zh-hk: http://bar.com ; zh-tw:http://baz.com }-

The space before }- is really important.

That change is only affecting a few percentage of pages. You can find the list for your wiki here: https://tools.wmflabs.org/bawolff/langconv/ (6 links to change for your language).

If you don't make that change, links will break.

Please spread the word and update your local documentation! If you have any question, please ping me or Bawolff.

Thanks, Trizek (WMF) (talk) 07:43، 29 Сентябр 2016 (UTC)

I suggest posting a Phabricator task for enabling Flagged revisions, on the analogy of the one in the Russian Wikipedia. -- 05:08، 2 май 2016 (UTC)

Агар ҳамаи кор беғубор гузарад, саҳифаҳои баррасишуда дар саҳифаи таърихи тағйирот ин тавр намоиш дода мешавад:

  • (кунунӣ) (қаблӣ) 00:00, 6 август 2008 Корбар (баҳс| ҳисса) (шумораи байт) (шарҳ) (ботил) [баррасишуда аз ҷониби корбар Ким-кӣ]. Бо эҳтиром, AryanSogd (t) 13:07، 3 май 2016 (UTC)
  1. Мувофиқ Ман розиам. Сергап (talk) 06:08، 2 май 2016 (UTC)
  2. Мувофиқ Ман ҳам тарафдор. Ин гумном кист? Бо эҳтиром,--AryanSogd (t) 10:37، 2 май 2016 (UTC)
    @AryanSogd: Ин гумном кист? Аз рӯи ин сомона, IP ба Русия тааллуқ дорад. Аз ин мебарояд, ки ин гумном ба забони русӣ гап зада метавонад. --Сергап (talk) 10:51، 3 май 2016 (UTC)
    Шубҳа дорам, ки ин @Илья Драконов: аст. Агар ӯ бошад, чаро ки ин корро махфӣ карда истодааст? Бо эҳтиром, AryanSogd (t) 13:07، 3 май 2016 (UTC)
    @AryanSogd: Ман инро ҳам намефаҳмам, азбаски номи корбаре маҳз барои он зарур аст, то ки IP ва PII пинҳон монанд. --Сергап (talk) 20:38، 3 май 2016 (UTC)
  3. Мувофиқ But... Can you say for example, in what pages this system will work; if yes, that if that will be protect always or just somethimes? I suggest that this system is perfect for a small wiki like this, the system might work just in the best articles of this wiki for all the time, however, I'm new in this wiki and I don't know if autorrrevision flag exists, I think thatjust the users with this status may edit this pages with this protection. AryanSogd Thank you for the invite! Gato Preto (talk) 13:20، 2 май 2016 (UTC)
    Theoretically, all pages (article, category, redirect), but actually it depends on the Fabricator. At the expense of autorrrevision discussion here. Thank you, AryanSogd (t) 14:00، 2 май 2016 (UTC)
    AryanSogd I understand you, I'm agree with this proposal and I don't have more questions. Greetings, Gato Preto (talk) 15:20، 2 май 2016 (UTC)
  4. Мувофиқ Бо эҳтиром Муроди Одина (talk) 15:02، 2 май 2016 (UTC)
  5. Мувофиқ --Химик1991 (talk) 15:36، 2 май 2016 (UTC)
  6. Мувофиқ -- Jaloliddin Madaminov (talk) 15:45 2 май 2016 (UTC)
  7. Мувофиқ --Farsizabon (talk) 04:57، 3 май 2016 (UTC)
  8. Мувофиқ --ibrahim (talk) 11:40، 3 май 2016 (UTC)
  9. Мувофиқ - Prospector (talk) 12:27، 3 май 2016 (UTC)
  10. Мувофиқ - --Шухрат Саъдиев (talk) 12:43، 3 май 2016 (UTC)
  11. Мувофиқ - --Матлубахон (talk) 16:36، 3 май 2016 (UTC)
  12. Мувофиқ - ----Фарогат Искандарова (talk) 02:18، 4 май 2016 (UTC)
  13. Мувофиқ --Дӯстмурод Саид (talk) 08:30، 5 май 2016 (UTC)
  14. Мувофиқ. Полезная вещь, позволяет быстро отсечь вандализм и нарушения авторских прав. Мастер теней (talk) 18:16، 5 май 2016 (UTC)
  15. Мувофиқ. Илья Драконов (talk) 09:14، 9 май 2016 (UTC).
  16. Мувофиқ -- Hamid Hassani (talk) 07:43، 16 май 2016 (UTC)
Боз нигаред
  • d:Q10729658 Агар саҳифаҳои баррасишуда ворид кунем, чунин саҳифа барои Википедиаи тоҷикӣ ҳам лозим мешавад? --Сергап (talk) 20:48، 3 май 2016 (UTC)
Бале, лозим. Агар шаблони форумро дар боло бубинед, ин гуна саҳифа ниёзи эҷод аст. Бо эҳтиром,--AryanSogd (t) 14:20، 4 май 2016 (UTC)
Шумо пайванди сурхи Баррасон (Википедиа:Қаҳвахонаи баррасон) дар назар доред? Акнун фаҳмидам, раҳмат. --Сергап (talk) 18:49، 4 май 2016 (UTC)
Не. Дар сатри "Дархост ба Баррасон (Википедиа:Дархост ба баррасон). Бо эҳтиром,--AryanSogd (t) 19:25، 4 май 2016 (UTC)


[вироиши манбаъ]
  • (en).We open the voting for enabling Reviewer, Autoreviewer and rollback user rights in Tajik Wikipedia like in Russian Wikipedia.
  • (tg) Барои ворид кардани парчамҳои Баррас, Автобаррас ва Вогардон дар Википедиа Тоҷикӣ, ба овоз мемонем.
  1. Мувофиқ ҳамчун пешниҳодкунанда. Бо эҳтиром,--AryanSogd (t) 08:14، 27 Март 2016 (UTC)
  2. Мувофиқ. Розӣ. Илья Драконов (talk) 08:35، 27 Март 2016 (UTC).
  3. Мувофиқ --Химик1991 (talk) 11:46، 27 Март 2016 (UTC)
  4. Мувофиқ ҳастам, аммо ин парчамҳо ба кӣ дода мешавад, ва чихел тарз? Ин барои Википедиаи тоҷикӣ муҳим аст? Бо эҳтиром Farsizabon (talk) 12:08، 27 Март 2016 (UTC)
    Бале дӯстам, муҳим аст, чун дар ояндаи на он қадар дур, бо такмил додани даваки MediaWiki таърихи вироишот ба мисли бахши забони русии Википедиа намоиш дода мешавад. Ин парчамҳо аввали кор аст ва ҳастанд корбароне ки дархост дода гиранд. Корбароне ҳастанд (мисол шумо), ки бе дархост метавон гирифт ба воситаи муроҷиат ба мудире ки бо саҳми шумо шинос аст. Бо эҳтиром,--AryanSogd (t) 13:18، 27 Март 2016 (UTC)
    @AryanSogd: Магар дархост лозим аст? Ба фикрам, нағзаш ҳамин ки ин парчамҳо ба таври худкор дода шаванд (чун дар ВП олмонӣ ё полякӣ). Албатта танҳо ба пешқадамон ё ба корбароне, ки дар ВП тоҷикӣ дер боз кор мекунанд ва ба қоидаҳояш риоя менамоянд. Сергап (talk) 14:14، 27 Март 2016 (UTC)
    Ҳатман лозим, чун порсол ин корро худам кардани будам ва дар фабрикатор бе иҷозаи ҷамоа дархости маро рад карданд. Айни ҳол мудирони ВК тоҷики, имконияти додани ингуна парчамҳоро надоранд. Сабаби асосӣ - даваки MediaWiki ВК тоҷикро такмил надодаанд, чун ягон кас аз паси ин кор нашудааст. Акнун барои ҳар як такмили давак, барои сабук шудани кор, маҷбур овоздиҳӣ кунем. Имрӯз барои парчам, фардо барои хоначаи вироиш ва ҳоказо ва ҳоказо ва ҳоказо... ва дар оянда, ин ба сабукии кор ба мисли бахшҳои калони Википедиа оварда мерасонад. Бо эҳтиром,--AryanSogd (t) 14:45، 27 Март 2016 (UTC)
  5. Мувофиқ Чаро? Даркор мешаванд. Пеш омад хуш омад. Кадом корбаре ки хоҳиши ба лоиҳа кӯмак кардан дошта бошад, метавонад дархост дода гирад. Ман ҳамин тавр фикр мекунам. Бо эҳтиром Муроди Одина (talk) 12:34، 27 Март 2016 (UTC)
  6. Мувофиқ Розӣ. Корбар:Jaloliddin Madaminov (talk) 12:47 27 Март 2016 (UTC)
  7. Мувофиқ Бе чунучаро тарафдор ҳастам, зеро ин ҳам ба пешравии кор мусоидат хоҳад кард. Бо эҳтиром, --Фарогат Искандарова (talk) 13:46، 27 Март 2016 (UTC)
  8. Мувофиқ Албатта, ҳар чиз, ки барои кори умумии мо аҳамият дорад, бояд ба назар гирифта шавад. @Farsizabon: зимнан бояд гуфт, ки чунин парчамҳо на фақат дар ВР русӣ, балки дар Википедиаҳои дигар дода мешаванд: дар ВП олмонӣ (de:Vorlage:Benutzer Passiver Sichter, de:Vorlage:Benutzer aktiver Sichter), ВП полякӣ ва ғайра. Чӣ тавр ки дар он ҷо парчамҳо дода шаванд, ҳамин тавр ин корро карда метавонем. Сергап (talk) 13:54، 27 Март 2016 (UTC)
  9. Мувофиқ Розӣ.--Шухрат Саъдиев (talk) 14:09، 27 Март 2016 (UTC)
  10. Мувофиқ Дирафши Ковиёнӣ (Баҳс) 14:16، 27 Март 2016 (UTC)
  11. Мувофиқ--Чолок (talk) 22:56، 27 Март 2016 (UTC)
  12. Мувофиқ Розӣ. Дустмурод Саид (talk) 11:04 28 Март 2016 (UTC)
  13. Мувофиқ Розӣ. Hamid Hassani (talk) 14:58، 30 Март 2016 (UTC)
  14. Мувофиқ Розӣ.--Матлубахон (talk) 03:48، 31 Март 2016 (UTC)
  15. Мувофиқبسیار خوب --Doostdar (talk) 08:31، 1 Апрел 2016 (UTC)
  16. Мувофиқ - Prospector (talk) 13:05، 4 Апрел 2016 (UTC)
  17. Мувофиқ - Ibrahim --ibrahim (talk) 17:33، 8 Апрел 2016 (UTC)
  18. Мувофиқ ----Фарогат Искандарова (talk) 02:20، 4 май 2016 (UTC)
  19. Мувофиқ --Kaiyr (talk) 06:36، 13 май 2016 (UTC)
  20. Мувофиқ -- Hamid Hassani (talk) 07:45، 16 май 2016 (UTC)

Уважаемые коллеги! Спасибо всем, кто принял участие в голосовании. После некоторого отсутствия из-за экзаменов, я могу снова приступать к полноценной работе. В результате голосования 100% участников высказались за включение в Таджикской Википедии extention Flagged Revisions. Я обратился на Phabricator (T135402) с просьбой это сделать. С уважением, Илья Драконов (talk) 16:06، 16 май 2016 (UTC).

The Wikimedia Developer Summit wants you

[вироиши манбаъ]

The Wikimedia Developer Summit is the annual meeting to push the evolution of MediaWiki and other technologies supporting the Wikimedia movement. The next edition will be held in San Francisco on January 9–11, 2017.

We welcome all Wikimedia technical contributors, third party developers, and users of MediaWiki and the Wikimedia APIs. We specifically want to increase the participation of volunteer developers and other contributors dealing with extensions, apps, tools, bots, gadgets, and templates.

Important deadlines:

  • Monday, October 24: last day to request travel sponsorship. Applying takes less than five minutes.
  • Monday, October 31: last day to propose an activity. Bring the topics you care about!

More information: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Developer_Summit

Subscribe to weekly updates: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:Td5wfd70vptn8eu4

MKramer (WMF) (talk) 19:07، 14 Октябр 2016 (UTC)

Developer Wishlist Survey: propose your ideas

[вироиши манбаъ]

At the Wikimedia Developer Summit, we decided to organize a Developer Wishlist Survey, and here we go:


The Wikimedia technical community seeks input from developers for developers, to create a high-profile list of desired improvements. The scope of the survey includes the MediaWiki platform (core software, APIs, developer environment, enablers for extensions, gadgets, templates, bots, dumps), the Wikimedia server infrastructure, the contribution process, and documentation.

The best part: we want to have the results published by Wednesday, February 15. Yes, in a month, to have a higher chance to influence the Wikimedia Foundation annual plan FY 2017-18.

There's no time to lose. Propose your ideas before the end of January, either by pushing existing tasks in Phabricator or by creating new ones. You can find instructions on the wiki page. Questions and feedback are welcome especially on the related Talk page.

The voting phase is expected to start on February 6 (tentative). Watch this space (or even better, the wiki page) - SSethi_(WMF) January 21st, 2017 3:07 AM (UTC)

Developer Wishlist Survey: Vote for Proposals

[вироиши манбаъ]

Almost two weeks ago, the Technical Collaboration team invited proposals for the first edition of the Developer Wishlist survey!

We collected around 77 proposals that were marked as suitable for the developer wishlist and met the defined scope and criteria. These proposals fall into the following nine categories: Frontend, Backend, Code Contribution (Process, Guidelines), Extensions, Technical Debt, Developer Environment, Documentation, Tools (Phabricator, Gerrit) and Community Engagement.

Voting phase starts now and will run until February 14th, 23:59 UTC. Click here on a category and show support for the proposals you care for most. Use the 'Vote' and 'Endorse' buttons next to a proposal to do so.

What happens next?
Proposals that will gather most votes will be included in the final results which will be published on Wednesday, February 15th. These proposals will also be considered in the Wikimedia Foundation’s annual plan FY 2017-18 - SSethi_(WMF) (talk) 04:41, 6 February 2017 (UTC)

Разработчик предпочтения Опрос: Голосование заявок

[вироиши манбаъ]

Почти две недели назад, техническое сотрудничество команды приглашены предложения по первому изданию опроса лист пожеланий разработчиков!

Мы собрали около 77 предложений, которые были отмечены в качестве пригодных для список пожеланий разработчиков и встретил определенную сферу применения и критерии. Эти предложения подразделяются на следующие девять категорий: Frontend, Backend, Code Вклад (процесс, руководящие принципы), расширения, технического долга, окружающая среда разработчика, документацию, инструменты (Phabricator, Геррит) Участие общественности.

Голосование фаза начинается сейчас и продлится до 14 февраля, 23:59 UTC. Нажмите здесь на категории и показать поддержку предложений вы заботитесь для большинства. Используйте 'Голос' и кнопки 'одобряем "рядом с предложением сделать это.

Что будет дальше? Предложения, которые будут собирать наибольшее количество голосов, будут включены в окончательные результаты, которые будут опубликованы 15 февраля, среда. Эти предложения также будут рассмотрены в ежегодном плане Викимедиа в ФГ 2017-18 - SSethi_ (WMF) (ток) 4:41, 6 февраля 2017 (UTC)

New notification when a page is connected to Wikidata

[вироиши манбаъ]

Hello all,

(Please help translate to your language)

The Wikidata development team is about to deploy a new feature on all Wikipedias. It is a new type of notification (via Echo, the notification system you see at the top right of your wiki when you are logged in), that will inform the creator of a page, when this page is connected to a Wikidata item.

You may know that Wikidata provides a centralized system for all the interwikilinks. When a new page is created, it should be connected to the corresponding Wikidata item, by modifying this Wikidata item. With this new notification, editors creating pages will be informed when another editor connects this page to Wikidata.

This feature will be deployed on May 30th on all the Wikipedias, excepting English, French and German. This feature will be disable by default for existing editors, and enabled by default for new editors.

This is the first step of the deployments, the Wikipedias and other Wikimedia projects will follow in the next months.

If you have any question, suggestion, please let me know by pinging me. You can also follow and leave a comment on the Phabricator ticket.

Thanks go to Matěj Suchánek who developed this feature!

Thank you! Lea Lacroix (WMDE) (talk)

Wikidata changes now also appear in enhanced recent changes

[вироиши манбаъ]

Hello, and sorry to write this message in English. You can help translating it.

Starting from today, you will be able to display Wikidata changes in both modes of the recent changes and the watchlist.

Read and translate the full message

Thank you! Lea Lacroix (WMDE) 08:33، 29 Июн 2017 (UTC)

(wrong target page? you can fix it here)

Improvements coming soon to Recent Changes

[вироиши манбаъ]


Sorry to use English. Please help translate to your language! Thank you.

In short: starting on 26 September, New Filters for Edit Review (now in Beta) will become standard on Recent Changes. They provide an array of new tools and an improved interface. If you prefer the current page you will be able to opt out. Learn more about the New Filters.

What is this feature again?

This feature improves Special:RecentChanges and Special:RecentChangesLinked (and soon, Special:Watchlist – see below).

Based on a new design, it adds new features that ease vandalism tracking and support of newcomers:

  • Filtering - filter recent changes with easy-to-use and powerful filters combinations, including filtering by namespace or tagged edits.
  • Highlighting - add a colored background to the different changes you are monitoring. It helps quick identification of changes that matter to you.
  • Bookmarking to keep your favorite configurations of filters ready to be used.
  • Quality and Intent Filters - those filters use ORES predictions. They identify real vandalism or good faith intent contributions that need help. They are not available on all wikis.

You can know more about this project by visiting the quick tour help page.

Concerning RecentChanges

Starting on 26 September, New Filters for Edit Review will become standard on Recent Changes. We have decided to do this release because of a long and successful Beta test phase, positive feedback from various users and positive user testing.

Some features will remain as Beta features and will be added later. Learn more about those different features.

If your community has specific concerns about this deployment or internal discussion, it can request to have the deployment to their wikis delayed to October 1, if they have sensible, consistent with the project, actionable, realistic feedback to oppose (at the development team's appreciation).

You will also be able to opt-out this change in your preferences.

Concerning Watchlists

Starting on September 19, the Beta feature will have a new option. Watchlists will have all filters available now on the Beta Recent Changes improvements.

If you have already activated the Beta feature "⧼eri-rcfilters-beta-label⧽", you have no action to take. If you haven't activated the Beta feature "⧼eri-rcfilters-beta-label⧽" and you want to try the filters on Watchlists, please go to your Beta preferences on September 19.

How to be ready

Please share this announcement!

Do you use Gadgets that change things on your RecentChanges or Watchlist pages, or have you customized them with scripts or CSS? You may have to make some changes to your configuration. Despite the fact that we have tried to take most cases into consideration, some configurations may break. The Beta phase is a great opportunity to have a look at local scripts and gadgets: some of them may be replaced by native features from the Beta feature.

Please ping me if you have questions.

On behalf of the Global Collaboration team, Trizek (WMF) 15:27، 14 сентябри 2017 (UTC)

Global preferences available for testing

[вироиши манбаъ]

Apologies for writing in English. Please help translate to your language.


Global preferences, a highly request feature in the 2016 Community Wishlist, is available for testing.

  1. Read over the help page, it is brief and has screenshots
  2. Login or register an account on Beta English Wikipedia
  3. Visit Global Preferences and try enabling and disabling some settings
  4. Visit some other language and project test wikis such as English Wikivoyage, the Hebrew Wikipedia and test the settings
  5. Report your findings, experience, bugs, and other observations

Once the team has feedback on design issues, bugs, and other things that might need worked out, the problems will be addressed and global preferences will be sent to the wikis.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! --Keegan (WMF) (talk) 00:23، 27 феврали 2018 (UTC)

Notification from edit summary

[вироиши манбаъ]

We need your feedback to improve Lua functions

[вироиши манбаъ]

Time to bring embedded maps (‘mapframe’) to most Wikipedias

[вироиши манбаъ]

CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 21:38، 24 апрели 2018 (UTC)

Wikitext highlighting out of beta

[вироиши манбаъ]

18:55، 4 май 2018 (UTC)

Improvements coming soon on Watchlists

[вироиши манбаъ]


Sorry to use English. Please help translate to your language! Thank you.

In short: starting on June 18, New Filters for Edit Review (now in Beta) will become standard on Watchlists. They provide an array of new tools and an improved interface. If you prefer the current page you will be able to opt out. Learn more about the New Filters.

What is this feature again?

This feature is used by default on Special:RecentChanges, Special:RecentChangesLinked and as a Beta feature on Special:Watchlist.

Based on a new design, that feature adds new functions to those pages, to ease vandalism tracking and support of newcomers:

  • Filtering - filter recent changes with easy-to-use and powerful filters combinations, including filtering by namespace or tagged edits.
  • Highlighting - add a colored background to the different changes you are monitoring. It helps quick identification of changes that matter to you.
  • Bookmarking to keep your favorite configurations of filters ready to be used.
  • Quality and Intent Filters - those filters use ORES predictions. They identify real vandalism or good faith intent contributions that need help. They are not available on all wikis.

You can know more about this project by visiting the quick tour help page.

About the release on Watchlists

Over 70,000 people have activated the New Filters beta, which has been in testing on Watchlist for more than eight months. We feel confident that the features are stable and effective, but if you have thoughts about these tools or the beta graduation, please let us know on the project talk page. In particular, tell us if you know of a special incompatibility or other issue that makes the New Filters problematic on your wiki. We’ll examine the blocker and may delay release on your wiki until the issue can be addressed.

The deployment will start on June 18 or on June 25, depending on the wiki (check the list). After the deployment, you will also be able to opt-out this change directly from the Watchlist page and also in your preferences.

How to be ready?

Please share this announcement!

If you use local Gadgets that change things on your Watchlist pages, or have a customized scripts or CSS, be ready. You may have to make some changes to your configuration. Despite the fact that we have tried to take most cases into consideration, some configurations may break. The Beta phase is a great opportunity to have a look at local scripts and gadgets: some of them may be replaced by native features from the Beta feature.

Please share your questions and comments on the feedback page.

On behalf of the Collaboration team, Trizek (WMF) 13:14، 7 июни 2018 (UTC)

Update on page issues on mobile web

[вироиши манбаъ]

CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 20:58، 12 июни 2018 (UTC)

Tidy to RemexHtml

[вироиши манбаъ]

m:User:Elitre (WMF) 14:38، 2 июли 2018 (UTC)

Read--Шухрат Саъдиев (talk) 14:43، 2 июли 2018 (UTC)

Упорядочить по RemexHtml 5 июля 2018 года команда Parsing будет заменять Tidy RemexHtml на эту вики.

Некоторые страницы этой вики используют устаревший HTML. Это изменение может изменить внешний вид этих страниц. Специально: LintErrors имеет полный список затронутых страниц.

Прочтите это сообщение электронной почты для получения дополнительной информации. Прочтите инструкции в mw: Справка: Расширение: Linter. Вы можете задавать вопросы по адресу mw: Talk: Parsing / Substitution Tidy. Спасибо, что помогли исправить эти проблемы.

m: Пользователь: Elitre (WMF) 14:38, 2 июли 2018 (UTC)

Читать - Шухрат Саъдиев (говорить) 14:43, 2 июли 2018 (UTC)

Consultation on the creation of a separate user group for editing sitewide CSS/JS

[вироиши манбаъ]

Всем привет,

Я готовлю изменения в том, кто может редактировать Sitewide CSS / JS-страницы. (Это такие страницы, как MediaWiki: Common.css и MediaWiki: Vector.js, которые выполняются в браузере всех читателей и редакторов.) В настоящее время все администраторы могут редактировать эти страницы, что создает серьезную и ненужную угрозу безопасности. Вскоре эта задача будет посвящена отдельной, более мелкой группе пользователей. Ваше сообщество сможет решить, кто принадлежит к этой группе, поэтому это должно означать для вас очень мало изменений. Вы можете узнать больше и предоставить обратную связь на странице консультаций на Meta. Если вы участвуете в поддержании кода CSS / JS или разработке политики в отношении запросов на администрацию, пожалуйста, дайте ему посмотреть!

Tgr (talk) 10:50، 9 июли 2018 (UTC) (via global message delivery)

Enabling a helpful feature for Template editors

[вироиши манбаъ]

CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 21:28، 6 августи 2018 (UTC)

Wikidata Bridge: edit Wikidata’s data from Wikipedia infoboxes

[вироиши манбаъ]

Google Code-In will soon take place again! Mentor tasks to help new contributors!

[вироиши манбаъ]

Hi everybody! Google Code-in (GCI) will soon take place again - a seven week long contest for 13-17 year old students to contribute to free software projects. Tasks should take an experienced contributor about two or three hours and can be of the categories Code, Documentation/Training, Outreach/Research, Quality Assurance, and User Interface/Design. Do you have any Lua, template, gadget/script or similar task that would benefit your wiki? Or maybe some of your tools need better documentation? If so, and you can imagine enjoying mentoring such a task to help a new contributor, please check out mw:Google Code-in/2019 and become a mentor. If you have any questions, feel free to ask at our talk page. Many thanks in advance! --Martin Urbanec 07:28, 5 ноябри 2019 (UTC)[ҷавоб додан]

Technical maintenance planed‬

[вироиши манбаъ]

Coolest Tool Award 2021: Call for nominations

[вироиши манбаъ]

The third edition of the m:Coolest Tool Award is looking for nominations!

Tools play an essential role for the Wikimedia projects, and so do the many volunteer developers who experiment with new ideas and develop and maintain local and global solutions to support the Wikimedia communities. The Coolest Tool Award aims to recognize and celebrate the coolest tools in a variety of categories.

The awarded projects will be announced and showcased in a virtual ceremony in December. Deadline to submit nominations is October 27. More information: m:Coolest Tool Award. Thanks for your recommendations! -- SSethi (WMF) for the 2021 Coolest Tool Academy team 05:57, 19 октябри 2021 (UTC)[ҷавоб додан]

Community Wishlist Survey 2022 is coming. Help us!

[вироиши манбаъ]

The Community Wishlist Survey 2022 starts in less than two weeks (Monday 10 January 2022, 18:00 UTC). We, the team organizing the Survey, need your help.

Only you can make the difference

How many people will hear and read about the Survey in their language? How many will decide to participate? Will there be enough of you to vote for a change you would like to see? It all depends on you, volunteers.

Why are we asking?

  • We have improved the documentation. It's friendlier and easier to use. This will mean little if it's only in English.
  • Thousands of volunteers haven't participated in the Survey yet. We'd like to improve that, too. Three years ago, 1387 people participated. Last year, there were 1773 of them. We hope that in the upcoming edition, there will be even more. You are better than us in contacting Wikimedians outside of wikis. We have prepared some images to share. More to come.

What is the Community Wishlist Survey?

It's an annual survey that allows contributors to the Wikimedia projects to propose and vote for tools and platform improvements. Long years of experience in editing or technical skills are not required.

Thanks, and be safe and successful in 2022! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) 03:15, 29 Декабри 2021 (UTC)[ҷавоб додан]

Save the Date: Coolest Tool Award 2021: this Friday, 17:00 UTC

[вироиши манбаъ]

<languages />

Hello all,

The ceremony of the 2021 Wikimedia Coolest Tool Award will take place virtually on Friday 14 January 2022, 17:00 UTC.

This award is highlighting software tools that have been nominated by contributors to the Wikimedia projects. The ceremony will be a nice moment to show appreciation to our tool developers and maybe discover new tools!

Read more about the livestream and the discussion channels.

Thanks for joining! andre (talk) -08:02, 6 January 2022 (UTC)

Last two days for submitting proposals

[вироиши манбаъ]

Tomorrow is the last day for submitting proposals for the Community Wishlist Survey 2022.

Also, everyone is welcome to translate, promote, and discuss proposals. SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) 14:45, 22 январи 2022 (UTC)

Rollout of the new audio and video player

[вироиши манбаъ]

Please help translate to your language


Over the next months we will gradually change the audio and video player of Wikis from Kultura to Video.js and with that, the old player won’t be accessible anymore. The new player has been active as a beta feature since May 2017.

The new player has many advantages, including better design, consistent look with the rest of our interface, better compatibility with browsers, ability to work on mobile which means our multimedia will be properly accessible on iPhone, better accessibility and many more.

The old player has been unmaintained for eight years now and is home-brewn (unlike the new player which is a widely used open source project) and uses deprecated and abandoned frameworks such as jQuery UI. Removing the old player’s code also improves performance of the Wikis for anyone visiting any page (by significantly reducing complexity of the dependency graph of our ResourceLoader modules. See this blog post.). The old player has many open bugs that we will be able to close as resolved after this migration.

The new player will solve a lot of old and outstanding issues but also it will have its own bugs. All important ones have been fixed but there will be some small ones to tackle in the future and after the rollout.

What we are asking now is to turn on the beta feature for the new player and let us know about any issues.

You can track the work in T100106

Thank you, Amir 17:59, 17 феврали 2022 (UTC)[ҷавоб додан]

Coolest Tool Award 2022: Call for nominations

[вироиши манбаъ]

The fourth edition of the Coolest Tool Award welcomes your nominations! What is your favorite Wikimedia related software tool? Please submit your favorite tools by October 12, 2022! The awarded projects will be announced and showcased in a virtual ceremony in December.

MediaWiki message delivery 18:30, 3 октябри 2022 (UTC)[ҷавоб додан]

Join the Coolest Tool Award 2022: Friday, Dec 16th, 17:00 UTC

[вироиши манбаъ]

The fourth edition of the Wikimedia Coolest Tool Award will happen online on Friday 16 December 2022 at 17:00 UTC!

This award is highlighting software tools that have been nominated by contributors to the Wikimedia projects. The ceremony will be a nice moment to show appreciation to our tool developers and maybe discover new tools!

Read more about the livestream and the discussion channels.

Thanks for joining! -Komla

MediaWiki message delivery 18:53, 5 Декабри 2022 (UTC)[ҷавоб додан]

Graph extension disabled

[вироиши манбаъ]

Yesterday the Wikimedia Foundation noted that in the interests of the security of our users, the Graph extension was disabled. This means that pages that were formerly displaying graphs will now display a small blank area. To help readers understand this situation, communities can now define a brief message that can be displayed to readers in place of each graph until this is resolved. That message can be defined on each wiki at MediaWiki:Graph-disabled. Wikimedia Foundation staff are looking at options available and expected timelines. For updates, follow the public Phabricator task for this issue: T334940

--MediaWiki message delivery (баҳс) 17:36, 19 апрели 2023 (UTC)[ҷавоб додан]

Temporary accounts for unregistered editors

[вироиши манбаъ]

Read this in your languagePlease help translate to your language • Please tell other users about these changes

Mock up of history page showing old and new username styles. The IP address changes to the temporary account ~2024-23126-086, with an icon for revealing the underlying IP address
Next year, unregistered editors will start using temporary accounts.

In 2024, editors who have not registered an account will automatically begin using temporary accounts. These editors are sometimes called "IP editors" because the IP address is displayed in the page history.

The Trust and Safety Product team gave a presentation at Wikimania about this change. You can watch it on YouTube.

There is more information at m:IP Editing: Privacy Enhancement and Abuse Mitigation.

SGrabarczuk (WMF) (баҳс) 02:05, 30 сентябри 2023 (UTC)[ҷавоб додан]

Coming soon: A new sub-referencing feature – try it!

[вироиши манбаъ]

Hello. For many years, community members have requested an easy way to re-use references with different details. Now, a MediaWiki solution is coming: The new sub-referencing feature will work for wikitext and Visual Editor and will enhance the existing reference system. You can continue to use different ways of referencing, but you will probably encounter sub-references in articles written by other users. More information on the project page.

We want your feedback to make sure this feature works well for you:

Wikimedia Deutschland’s Technical Wishes team is planning to bring this feature to Wikimedia wikis later this year. We will reach out to creators/maintainers of tools and templates related to references beforehand.

Please help us spread the message. --Johannes Richter (WMDE) (talk) 10:36, 19 August 2024 (UTC)

[вироиши манбаъ]
Apologies for cross-posting in English. Please consider translating this message.Шаблон:Tracked

Hello everyone, a small change will soon be coming to the user-interface of your Wikimedia project. The Wikidata item sitelink currently found under the General section of the Tools sidebar menu will move into the In Other Projects section.

We would like the Wiki communities feedback so please let us know or ask questions on the Discussion page before we enable the change which can take place October 4 2024, circa 15:00 UTC+2. More information can be found on the project page.

We welcome your feedback and questions.
MediaWiki message delivery (баҳс) 18:57, 27 сентябри 2024 (UTC)[ҷавоб додан]