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Шаблон:Infobox power station

Мавод аз Википедиа — донишномаи озод


Use the following infobox for all types of power stations. For hydroelectric power stations involving dams (except tidal facilities), please use {{Infobox dam}}. Hold down CTRL to copy separate sections of the template code (Windows):

{{Infobox power station
| name                   = 
| name_official          = 
| image                  = 
| image_size             = 
| image_caption          = 
| image_alt              = 
| location_map           = 
| location_map_size      = 
| location_map_caption   = 
| location_map_alt       = 
| lat_d     = 
| lat_m     = 
| lat_s     = 
| lat_NS    = 
| long_d    = 
| long_m    = 
| long_s    = 
| long_EW   = 
| coordinates_type       = type:landmark
| coordinates_display    = inline,title
| country                = 
| location               = 
| status                 = 
| construction_began     = 
| commissioned           = 
| decommissioned         = 
| cost                   = 
| owner                  = 
| operator               = 
<!------------------------- GEOTHERMAL POWER STATIONS -->
| geo_type               = 
| geo_temp_requirement   = 
| geo_well_count         = 
| geo_well_depth         = 
| geo_water_output       = 
| geo_cogeneration       = 
<!------------------------- NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS -->
| np_reactor_type        = 
| np_reactor_supplier    = 
| np_fuel_type           = 
| np_fuel_supplier       = 
| np_cogeneration        = 
| np_cooling_source      = 
| np_cooling_towers      = 
<!------------------------- PUMPED-STORAGE POWER STATIONS -->
| psps_upper_res         = 
| psps_upper_res_capacity= 
| psps_penstocks         = 
| psps_lower_res         = 
| psps_lower_res_capacity= 
| psps_hydraulic_head    = 
| psps_generators        = 
| psps_pumpgenerators    = 
| psps_pumps             = 
<!------------------------- SOLAR FARMS -->
| solar_type             = 
| solar_cpv_concentration= 
| solar_csp_technology   = 
| solar_csp_heliostats   = 
| solar_cpvt             = 
| solar_site_area        = 
<!------------------------- THERMAL POWER STATIONS -->
| th_fuel_primary        = 
| th_fuel_secondary      = 
| th_fuel_tertiary       = 
| th_technology          = 
| th_feed_mine           = 
| th_cogeneration        = 
| th_combined_cycle      = 
| th_cooling_source      = 
<!------------------------- TIDAL POWER STATIONS -->
| tide_technology        = 
| tide_tsg_type          = 
| tide_barrage_height    = 
| tide_barrage_length    = 
| tide_barrage_width     = 
| tide_crosses           = 
| tide_channel_width     = 
| tide_channel_speed     = 
| tide_dtp_length_perp   = 
| tide_dtp_length_para   = 
| tide_range             = 
<!------------------------- WAVE FACILITIES -->
| wave_technology        = 
| wave_site_area         = 
| wave_generator_depth   = 
| wave_shore_distance    = 
<!------------------------- WIND FARMS -->
| wind_farm_type         = 
| wind_site_elevation    = 
| wind_site_usage        = 
| wind_site_area         = 
| wind_offshore_depth    = 
| wind_offshore_distance = 
| wind_hub_height        = 
| wind_rotor_diameter    = 
| wind_rated_speed       = 
<!------------------------- GENERAL -->
| ps_units_operational   = 
| ps_units_manu_model    = 
| ps_units_uc            = 
| ps_units_planned       = 
| ps_units_cancelled     = 
| ps_units_decommissioned= 
| thermal_capacity       = 
| ps_electrical_capacity = 
| ps_electrical_cap_fac  =
| ps_storage_hours       =
| ps_annual_generation   = 
| website                = 
| extra                  = 


Parameter Description
Lead section
name Name of power station
name_official Official name, if different from name. Preferably in native language.
image Image filename, without File: parameter.
image_size Avoid using: Overrides the default 250px
image_caption Caption beneath image
image_alt Alternative text for image.
location_map Name of a location map file. The coordinates must be specified as well (see below).
location_map_size Avoid using: Overrides the default 250px
location_map_caption Caption beneath the location map
location_map_alt Alternative text for location map.
lat_d Latitude degrees.
lat_m Latitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format.
lat_s Latitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise.
lat_NS Northern or Southern latitude (enter N or S). Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format.
long_d Longitude degrees.
long_m Longitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format.
long_s Longitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise.
long_EW Longitude East or West (enter E or W). Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format.
coordinates_type Optional parameter to add additional coordinate functions. See here for more details.
coordinates_display Display the coordinates inline or title, or both as inline,title.
country Country where the facility is located. Do not use flag icons, as this places an unnecessary emphasis on nationality; see for a detailed rationale.
location General area where located. Avoid being overly-detailed.
status State of the project. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields:

P=Proposed, U=Under construction, O=Operational, M=Mothballed, D=Decommissioned, PC=Project cancelled.

construction_began Date construction of the first unit began, consider using {{Start date}}.
commissioned Date commissioned, or to be commissioned, of the first unit. Consider using {{Start date}}.
decommissioned Date decommissioned, or to be decommissioned, of the last unit. Consider using {{End date}}.
cost Total cost of development
owner Owner(s) of the power station. Consider limiting to the top two, and include ownership percentage.

Example: Owner1: 60% <br/>Owner2: 40%

operator Plant operator(s). If different from owner.
Geothermal power stations
geo_type The type of geothermal power station. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields:

DS=Dry steam, FS=Flash steam, BC=Binary cycle.

geo_temp_requirement Minimum temperature requirement of geothermal source. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|C|F|0|abbr=on}}
geo_well_count Number of geothermal wells.
geo_well_depth Depth of the deepest well.
geo_water_output Hot water production in litres.
geo_cogeneration Is the power station a cogeneration type? Add Yes or No.
Nuclear power stations
np_reactor_type The type(s) of reactors currently in use, and its corresponding number of reactors. For multiple reactors types, you may use the <br/> function.

For power stations using a single type of reactor, enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields:


np_reactor_supplier Reactor supplier(s)
np_fuel_type Type of nuclear fuel.
np_fuel_supplier Supplier of nuclear fuel.
np_cogeneration Is the power station a cogeneration type? Add Yes or No.
np_cooling_towers Number of cooling towers.
Pumped-storage hydroelectric power stations
psps_upper_res Name of upper reservoir.
psps_upper_res_capacity Water storage capacity of upper reservoir.
psps_penstocks Number of penstocks between the reservoirs.
psps_lower_res Name of lower reservoir.
psps_lower_res_capacity Water capacity of lower reservoir.
psps_hydraulic_head Hydraulic head from upper reservoir.
psps_generators Number of generation units of the pumped-storage power station.
psps_pumpgenerators Number of units used for both generating and pumping.
psps_pumps Number of pumping units to the upper reservoir.
Solar farms
solar_type The type of solar technology in use. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields:

PV=Flat-panel PV, CPV=CPV, CSP=CSP

solar_cpv_concentration Concentration of CPV plant: Low, Medium, or High. See also: Types of CPV.
solar_csp_technology The CSP technology in use. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields:

D=Dish Stirling, T=Solar power tower, F=Fresnel reflector, or P=parabolic trough.

solar_csp_heliostats Number of heliostats.
solar_cpvt Is the power station a CPVT type? Add Yes or No.
solar_site_area Land area used for entire facility. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|km2|mi2|0|abbr=on}}
Thermal power stations
th_fuel_primary Primary fuel source
th_fuel_secondary Secondary fuel source (optional)
th_fuel_tertiary Tertiary fuel source (optional)
th_cogeneration Is the power station a cogeneration type? Add Yes or No.
th_combined_cycle Is the power station a combined cycle type? Add Yes or No.
th_cooling_source If the power station uses cooling water, add the source of the water. For other cooling technologies, add the name of technology, e.g. "air-cooled".
Tidal power stations
tide_technology The tidal technology in use. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields. For tidal barrage technology, please use infobox dam.

TSG=Tidal stream generator, DTP=Dynamic tidal power

tide_tsg_type Type of tidal stream generator.
tide_barrage_height Height of tidal barrage.
tide_barrage_length Length of tidal barrage.
tide_barrage_width Width of tidal barrage.
tide_crosses Channel of water across which the barrage is build, or in which the tidal generators are located.
tide_channel_width Width of above mentioned channel.
tide_channel_speed Speed of water flow in the above mentioned channel. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m/s|ft/s|1|abbr=on}}
tide_dtp_length_perp Perpendicular length of the dynamic tidal power structure.
tide_dtp_length_para Parallel length of the dynamic tidal power structure.
tide_range Tidal range created by the dynamic tidal power structure.
Wave farms
wave_technology The wave technology in use (capture method). Capture methods are buoy (point absorber), surface-following attenuator, terminator, oriented perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, oscillating water column, underwater attenuator.
wave_site_area Surface area used for entire facility. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|km2|mi2|0|abbr=on}}
wave_generator_depth Average water depth at the converter locations. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}
wave_shore_distance Minimum distance from shore of wave farms. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}
Wind farms
wind_farm_type Type of wind farm (Onshore, Nearshore, Offshore). See also Types of wind farms.
wind_site_elevation Highest ground altitude (don't add hub height) over which a turbine is constructed. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}
wind_site_usage Ground usage of Onshore wind farms (e.g. Farm land, desert, etc).
wind_site_area Area used for entire facility. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|km2|mi2|0|abbr=on}}
wind_offshore_depth Average water depth of Offshore wind farms. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}
wind_offshore_distance Minimum distance from shore of Offshore wind farms. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}
wind_hub_height Height of the wind turbine towers from base to hub. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}

If multiple types of turbines are in use, enter the maximum value.

wind_rotor_diameter Diameter of wind turbine rotor. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m|ft|0|abbr=on}}

If multiple types of turbines are in use, enter the maximum value.

wind_rated_speed Rated wind speed of the wind turbine model. Consider using: {{Convert|XX|m/s|ft/s|1|abbr=on}}

If multiple types of turbines are in use, enter the minimum value.

End section (used by all power station types, including those not listed above)
ps_units_operational Number of currently operational turbines/generating units. Not applicable for pumped-storage power stations.
ps_units_manu_model Shortened name(s) of manufacturers and models of currently operational turbines/generating units.
ps_units_uc Number of generating units under construction.
ps_units_planned Number of generating units currently planned/proposed for installation.
ps_units_cancelled Number of planned generating units cancelled.
ps_units_decommissioned Number of generating units decommissioned.
thermal_capacity Thermal capacity.
ps_electrical_capacity Current gross installed capacity in megawatts, or planned capacity from those under development. Add only current value for those operational, but with additional planned.
ps_electrical_cap_fac Capacity factor of the power station, in percentage.
ps_storage_hours Storage capacity of the power station, in hours.
ps_annual_generation Average annual gross power generation of the previous whole year.
website Official website.
extra Use this field to add an additional infobox within this infobox. Example.


The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.


If the place or venue has an "established", "founded", "opened" or similar date, use {{start date}} unless the date is before 1583 CE.

If it has a URL, use {{URL}}.

Please do not remove instances of these sub-templates.


hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • adr
  • agent
  • category
  • county-name
  • extended-address
  • fn
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • region
  • street-address
  • uid
  • url
  • vcard

Geo is produced by calling {{coord}}, and uses HTML classes:

  • geo
  • latitude
  • longitude

Please do not rename or remove these classes nor collapse nested elements which use them.


When giving coordinates, please use an appropriate level of precision. Do not use {{coord}}'s |name= parameter.

See also

Hidden tracking/maintenance categories