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Кофи Аннан

Мавод аз Википедиа — донишномаи озод
Кофи Аннан
Kofi Annan
1 январи 1997 — 31 декабри 2006
Пешгузашта Бутрос Бутрос-Гали
Ҷонишин Пан Ги Мун

Таваллуд 8 апрел 1938(1938-04-08)[1][2][3][…]
Даргузашт 18 август 2018(2018-08-18)[4][5][6][…] (80 сол)
Падар Henry Reginald Annan[d]
Модар Rose Eshun[d]
Ҳамсар Nane Annan[d] ва Titi Alakija[d]
Фарзандон Kojo Annan[d], Nina Cronstedt[d] ва Ama Annan[d]
Фаъолият диплумосӣ[9], илми иқтисод[9] ва сиёсат[9]
Эътиқод протестантизм
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Medal "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow" Grand Cross of Honor for Services to the Republic of Austria Order of Isabella the Catholic‎ Order of the Star of Romania Knight Grand Cross in the Order of the Netherlands Lion Order of the Golden Heart of Kenya Order of the Star of Ghana Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun Grand Cross 1st class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, 1st class
Collar of the Order of the Star of Romania
Dostyk Order of grade I Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella the Catholic Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland Нишони фахрӣ «Барои хизматҳо ба Ҷумҳурии Утриш» Order of Liberty Grand Collar of the Order of Liberty Order of the Pioneers of Liberia Grand Collar of the Order of Good Hope Order of the Companions of O. R. Tambo Order of the Liberator General San Martín Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun of Peru‎ Order of Manas, 1st class Ордени Моно
Ҷоизаи сулҳи Нобел

Kora Awards[d] (2000)

Gottlieb Duttweiler Prize[d]

Medal of honor Dag Hammarskjold[d] (2009)

Torstein Dale Memorial Prize[d] (2002)

Confucius Peace Prize[d] (2012)

Bruno Kreisky Award for Services to Human Rights[d] (2007)

Olof Palme Prize[d] (2006)

Indira Gandhi Peace Prize[d] (2003)

Four Freedoms Award – Freedom Medal[d] (2004)

Philadelphia Liberty Medal

Freedom Award[d] (2008)

North–South Prize[d] (2007)

Sakharov Prize[d] (2003)

Profile in Courage Award[d] (2002)

Honorary doctors of Ghent University[d] (2004)

Fulbright Prize[d] (2001)

Honorary doctor of the Dresden University of Technology[d] (26 апрел 1999)

Honorary doctor of the Free University of Berlin[d] (13 июл 2001)

Honorary doctorate from the University of Geneva[d] (7 июн 2002)

honorary doctor of the University of Uppsala[d]

доктори фахрии Донишгоҳи Принстон[d]

Honorary doctorate from Brown University[d] (28 май 2001)

honorary doctorate of the University of Alcala[d] (2002)

honorary doctor of the University of Neuchâtel[d] (2008)

Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences[d]

Honorary doctor of the University of Ottawa[d]

honorary doctor of the Zhejiang University[d] (2002)

доктори фахрии Донишгоҳи Ҳарвард[d] (2004)

доктори фахрии Донишгоҳи давлатии муносибатҳои байналмилалии Маскав (МГИМО)[d]

honorary doctorate from the University of Notre Dame[d]

Fellow of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences[d] (2013)

honorary doctor from the NOVA University Lisbon[d]

honorary doctorate from Carleton University[d] (2004)

honorary doctor of the Howard University[d] (1999)

FIFA Order of Merit[d]

Annenberg Award for Excellence in Diplomacy[d]

Order of Good Hope

Honorary doctorate from the Sorbonne University Paris[d] (6 ноябр 1998)

Ҷойҳои кор
 Парвандаҳо дар Викианбор

Кофи Атта Аннан (англ. Kofi Atta Annan; 8 апрел 1938[1][2][3][…], Кумосӣ[d][1]18 август 2018[4][5][6][…], Берн[7]) — дипломати кишвари Гана ва ҳафтумин Дабири кулли Созмони Милали Муттаҳид аз 1997 то 2006 буд.


[вироиш | вироиши манбаъ]

Кофи Аннан дар Кумаси 8 апрели соли 1938 таваллуд шудааст.

Аз рӯи ҳисоб Ҳафтум Дабири кулли Созмони Милали Муттаҳид (СММ) мебошад, аз 1 Январи 1997, ба муҳлати дуюм аз нав интихоб шуд 29 Июни соли 2001, муҳлати вазифааш то 31 декабри соли 2006 давом кардааст.

Барандаи Ҷоизаи Нобел (10 декабри 2001); ҷоизаро шахсан Аннан ва сарварикунадааш СММ тақсим карданд.